Polyvagal Learning Labs Series 1

Presented by Deb Dana, LCSW

The Polyvagal Online Learning Labs offer Polyvagal-guided practitioners a deep exploration of specific areas of Polyvagal-informed therapy.   

The Learning Labs series is an intermediate-level program designed for practitioners who have completed basic Polyvagal training.  

Each 90-minute Module begins with a teaching piece and ends with a prerecorded moderated question-and-answer session.  

Join the series at any time and have lifetime access to the recordings and materials. 

Note: Engaging the Rhythm of Regulation: Polyvagal Theory in Therapy on-demand course or the Foundations of Polyvagal Informed Practice training series can be taken beforehand.

Four Specific Polyvagal Deep Dives

  • Learning Lab One: Bringing a Polyvagal Lens to Your Remote Sessions

    Clinicians & practitioners are being asked to meet new challenges as therapy is now routinely offered remotely. This first Learning Lab is dedicated to helping you translate the polyvagal-informed approach you have already been bringing to your clinical work to meet the new experience of remote connection. Learn how to make the most of your sessions online to enhance the therapeutic experience for both your client and yourself.

  • Learning Lab Two: Introducing PVT to Clients, Colleagues & the Community

    You’ve experienced what happens when you look through the lens of Polyvagal Theory, but how do you talk about Polyvagal Theory with others? This Learning Lab will explore ways to communicate and teach Polyvagal Theory in your client sessions. Learn how to speak the language of Polyvagal Theory, and invite clients and those in your community to begin to look at the world through the lens of the nervous system.

  • Learning Lab Three: Setting up a Polyvagal Informed Session

    This Learning Lab will outline the essential elements of a Polyvagal-informed session and explore ways to routinely integrate these into your work. From the beginning welcome and check-in to the ending invitation for ‘homeplay’, we will examine how a Polyvagal perspective can expertly guide your clinical work and professional practice.

  • Learning Lab Four: Embodying the Polyvagal Perspective

    The final Learning Lab in Series I brings the focus inward to explore what it means to be a Polyvagal-informed clinician - and looks at the responsibilities, challenges and ethics of working in this way.

Course curriculum

    1. Covid-19 and Polyvagal Theory -- article by Stephen Porges

    2. Finding Ventral Vagal for Our Clients and Ourselves by Deb Dana

    3. Research on Eye Gaze

    4. Personal Connection Plan

    5. Bringing a Polyvagal Lens to Your Remote Sessions

    6. Bringing a Polyvagal Lens to Your Remote Sessions -- recording

    1. Beginner's Guide

    2. What is Polyvagal Theory

    3. Polyvagal Primer -- Stephen Porges

    4. The Autonomic Hierarchy -- Deb Dana

    5. Explaining the Hierarchy

    6. Polyvagal Theory and the Judicial System

    7. Insights at the Edge Interview with Tami Simon -- Befriending the Nervous System

    8. Vagal Brake Exercise

    9. Introducing Polyvagal Theory to Clients, Colleagues, and the Greater Human Community

    10. Introducing Polyvagal Theory to Clients, Colleagues, and the Greater Human Community -- Recording

    1. Setting up a Polyvagal Informed Session

    2. A Quick Guide to Ventral Vagal Anchors

    3. Four Steps to Creating a Plan

    4. Sending and Receiving Ventral Energy

    5. Traveling the Hierarchy

    6. Setting up a Polyvagal Informed Session -- recording

    1. Embodying the Polyvagal Perspective

    2. Online Therapeutic Presence

    3. Ethical Issues Online

    4. Energy and Actions

    5. Embodying the Polyvagal Perspective -- recording

About this course

  • $250.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

Four Webinars to Dive Deeper Into Polyvagal Theory

With specific topics and modules to bring to your own professional practice.

Register today for immediate and lifetime access to in-depth webinar content presented by Deb Dana LCSW, plus accompanying handouts and articles that you can always refer to. Complete this training at your own pace and in your own time. The Learning Labs Series 1 is a beautiful way to deepen your understanding and progress your training. This course is designed for therapists, clinicians and practitioners from all backgrounds and modalities.